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Hannah Canham

Hannah Canham is the founder of This Era Archive, a carefully curated vintage clothing archive that serves as a library of inspiration to designers and curious creatives. The archive includes vintage clothing from the early 1900s to the 1990s, and is centered around interesting design details, unique construction techniques, and iconic designers.

Hannah is Australian born and based in Madrid, by way of New York, she loves to travel the world mindfully seeking out vintage treasure to add to the archive. The archive can be viewed at Hannah's website and on Instagram @thiseraarchive
Shaina Mote — Hannah Canham

What shapes, textures, and palettes encompass the sensory details of your present self?
Soft, curved, and neutral.



What is something you have loved for a long time?
I am a sentimental and nostalgic person, but more so with memories than with objects or things. I have loved Yoga for a very long time, I have been practicing for over fifteen years and it’s something that is constantly revealing itself to me in new ways, it’s more important to me than any object in my home.










What is something you have recently rediscovered?
Writing in a journal. I kept a journal religiously for years as a teenager, I’m sure my mum still has them in her roof and that they would be very embarrassing to read. But in the last year I have started to write a few pages in a journal each morning to empty out my mind and I’m enjoying the practice. Once it’s on the page I feel I can usually let it go.



Please share the story behind a modern “talisman” you own — an object in your possession that you consider either a token of good luck or energy.
A rose quartz was given to my husband and I as a wedding gift by a dear friend who was also our only witness when we got married at city hall. It has a special place on a shelf at home and every time I pass it I feel a loving energy.





At what moments are you the truest version of yourself?
When I am silent and present.







What landscapes or places in nature are most resonant? Where do you feel the deepest connection with the outdoors?
I simultaneously love the ocean and the desert. I am a Pisces so I am drawn to the water, I relish in lazy summers by the sea. But one of my favorite landscapes in the world is Joshua Tree, exploring that desert is an incredible and peaceful experience where I feel very grounded.



Hannah wears the <a href="" target="_blank">Loire Top Viscose Linen</a> in Crema



Can you share the story behind a meaningful garment you own — perhaps an heirloom, or something that feels weighted with a special significance?
I have an archive of hundreds of vintage garments and I choose each piece mindfully. The oldest pieces carry the most weight for me, I feel a great sense of responsibility to care for those garments that are over 100 years old, like an antique silk robe I have from China complete with tears and stains, it’s so beautiful and delicate I wish I knew the life it’s lived, I’m glad to be a part of its story now and will take good care of it.





Can you share more details on one act of “wellness” that brings you joy in its ritual — maybe a special tea, or a favorite walk, or another ritual that you use to come back to yourself?
Yoga and meditation is how I come back to myself, I try to keep up a regular home practice of both and love practicing yoga with my eyes closed so I can really connect with my breath and movement.









Can you share a recipe or idea for a simple, healing meal that you make for yourself often?
I don’t really follow recipes, I’m quite intuitive in the kitchen and my go-to healthy meal is just a bowl of boiled, raw or roasted vegetables, quinoa, sauerkraut and green leaves, sometimes I add tofu or beans too. It’s easy to throw yummy fresh ingredients in a bowl and always makes me feel good. In the winter I try to eat warm foods and in the summer more raw and fresh foods.











What books are you reading right now (or have read recently)?
I just finished reading my sister-in-law’s (Laura McPhee-Browne) debut novel Cherry Beach, it was incredibly beautiful and heartbreaking and I am so very proud of her! I also just read Acid for the Children by Flea and I really enjoyed that too. I love to read about the human experience in all its forms.







What book(s) do you always recommend to friends?
Anything and everything by Joan Didion or Eckhart Tolle they both guide and feed my soul in different ways.



What music is in rotation for you this month?
Right now I always feel like listening to very chill tunes, I am mostly listening to Laraaji, Ana Roxanne, Susumu Yakota and Gigi Masin keeping the vibe very calm while I work alone in the showroom.






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